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About e-Access

1) Our goals :

  • Promote accessibility to persons with disabilities to Information and Communication Technologies, but also to digital content.

  • Nourish scientific in the field of software applications accessibility. Using new technologies, the disabled can further integrate and overcome their handicaps.

  • Encourage the development of accessible websites, according to W3C standards-WCAG, and e-services specific to people with disabilities.

  • Contribute to the creation of a network of specialists in the field of e-Accessibility.

2) How to join? (How to become a member ?)

For lack of special provisions in the bylaws, the membership association is made on request. In practice, it may take the form of a membership card or a membership form to fill out. The future member must be able to acquaint with statutes and with the internal regulations of  the association (if this last exists) before joining. Statutes can envisage a date as from which lthe membership must be renewed. Otherwise, the person is adherent to the disappearance of the association or leaving it. From the point of view of the association, it is recommended to save the enrollment of members in a file members. This precaution is especially intended to avoid any confusion as to membership or non-membership of a person. It also allows monitoring to renew the membership of each member.

3) Committees

The Executive Committee is the executive organ of an Association. It is the face of the organization internally and externally, and coordinates its action. It is organized as follows:

  • President of e-Access
  • Vice President & Head of Human Resources
  • General Secretary
  • Financial Director (CFO)
  • Project Manager
  • For External Relations

4) Our visions

E-accessibility turns to innovative technologies and resolutions in delicate human problems such as various disabilities.

It will make the world accessible to all, improve our reliability, and make a difference in our daily lives. Through the accessibility and support of technology, our vision is to erase the gap between deaf and hearing people, and more generally between the disabled and able-bodied people, so that any person whatsoever, to have access to the Web world.

5) Address

Centre de Calcul El Khawarizmi, Campus universitaire, 2010, Manouba, Tunisia.


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E-Access, nos goals

Promote accessibility to persons with disabilities to Information and Communication Technologies, but also to digital content.

Nourish scientific in the field of software applications accessibility. Using new technologies, the disabled can further integrate and overcome their handicaps.

Encourage the development of accessible websites, according to W3C standards-WCAG, and e-services specific to people with disabilities.

Contribute to the creation of a network of specialists in the field of e-Accessibility.

Training Session about Accessibility
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